鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 9
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-1.3.3-beta (2008.06.28)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
Freescale和ArrayComm合作WiMAX芯片解决方案 (2007.09.17)
-ib wireless broadband driver 1.3.2 (2007.02.20)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-1.2.9 (2006.08.18)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-2.0.0 (2005.11.01)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
-ib wireless broadband driver 1.2.1 (2005.06.16)
Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development
从IEEE 802.20看4G前途 (2004.01.15)
在众多媒体反覆报导讨论3G发展现况的同时,「4G」也正逐渐成熟,最新的标准IEEE 802.20整合了覆盖范围与连线速度的优点,成为最被看好新4G标准,本文即带领读者深入了解802.20的技术优势
Craig Barratt出任Atheros总裁兼执行长 (2003.03.28)
Atheros Communications公司近日宣布委任Craig Barratt博士为该公司之总裁兼执行长。 Barratt博士于二○○二年四月加入Atheros担任技术副总裁,而该公司之前任执行长Rich Redelfs将担任董事会副董事长
7家电信公司竞标澳洲3G电信执照 (2001.02.20)

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7 瑞萨全新RA8 MCU系列将Arm Cortex-M85处理器高效引入成本敏感应用
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10 英飞凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周边控制器提供高速连接效力


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