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AI 扮演智慧家庭要角 (2017.03.24) 智慧家庭是物联网的重点应用,近年来各大科技厂商投入发展的人工智慧,将以智慧家庭作为重点试验场,透过人工智慧的导入,智慧家庭系统将有完全不同的面貌。 |
智慧家庭新创业者发展现况及关键成功因素分析 (2017.03.13) 智慧家庭商机庞大,除了IT大厂竞相投入发展外,也吸引了为数庞大的新创业者,目前已有多起成功案例,透过这些案例可以探讨出关键成功因素与模式。 |
厨具也走智慧风 烹调不再是烦恼 (2015.04.27) 你想在家就能吃到美味的佳肴,而且是自己动手做的?
现在有机会了。透过智慧厨具,你就是自己家中的名厨! |
Google vs. Apple 智慧家庭再定位 (2014.09.01) 很多人也许很希望能够像动漫中的魔法师一样,
只要透过你手上的那一台,智慧手机 |
物联网整合感知新天地! (2011.01.27) 物联网就是整合感知层的动态网络。感知层技术涵盖RFID、二维条形码、ZigBee传感器、NFC、Wi-Fi和MEMS等。重点就是要把各种物体所表现出来的模拟和数字讯号,完整而精确地搜集到位 |
一款 Windows shell 扩展工具,使您可直接从 Windows 资源管理器文件运算。-HashTab 3.0 (2010.09.08) 一款 Windows shell 扩展工具,使您可直接从 Windows 资源管理器文件运算。 |
-Hash Codes (2010.06.19) Program can hash data from keyboard, file or CD/DVD by Adler32, CRC32, CRC64, GOST, HAVAL, MD2, MD4, MD5, MD6, SHA-0, SHA-1, SHA-1-IME, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-256, RIPEMD-320, TIGER or Whirlpool algorithm |
-FileVerifier++ (2010.05.23) FileVerifier++ is a Win32 GUI utility for calculating cryptographic hashes on files using a number of different algorithms. Supported hash algorithms include CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-224, SHA-384, SHA-512, WHIRLPOOL, and RIPEMD-128/160/256/320 |
-md5deep md5deep-3.4 (2009.06.13) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
Cypress为惠而浦洗衣机系列打造流畅触控功能 (2009.04.28) Cypress公司27日宣布其以PSoC为架构的CapSense Plus解决方案已获得惠而浦公司采用,并运用于控制其AWOE Premium Collection洗衣机系列中的触控按键。此款高弹性解决方案具备优异的抗噪声干扰与防水功能,能在经常充满的高度感测干扰的家电产品环境中,发挥不中断的运作效能 |
工研院与Telcordia公司签约记者会 (2009.03.03) 在全球经济不景气的漩涡中,产业结构重新洗牌,目前全球备受瞩目的安全产业有望成为下一个明星产业。行政院科顾组也议定2009年为「安全科技年」。工研院辨识与安全科技中心为强化国际合作,带领国内产业抢占全球安全市场商机,与美国知名电通大厂Telcordia CEO Mr |
-Secure Content Management System 0.8.3alpha (2008.07.30) SCMS is a secure content management system written in php.Some of its features are a role-based object-oriented design, session identifier regeneration, account locking, SSL Cookies, Encryption (with MD5, AES, SHA256, SHA512, or WHIRLPOOL), and others |
-FileVerifier++ (2008.07.24) FileVerifier++ is a Win32 GUI utility for calculating cryptographic hashes on files using a number of different algorithms. Supported hash algorithms include CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-224, SHA-384, SHA-512, WHIRLPOOL, and RIPEMD-128/160/256/320 |
-md5deep md5deep-3.1 (2008.07.23) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
-wscrypt 1.0.5a (2008.07.09) This is a more secure file encryption program which uses SERPENT cipher and WHIRLPOOL+SHA-256 hashes in key creation and for integrity checking. |
-md5deep md5deep-3.0 (2008.05.11) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
-Secure Content Management System alpha version 0.8 (2008.04.30) SCMS is a secure content management system written in php.Some of its features are a role-based object-oriented design, session identifier regeneration, account locking, SSL Cookies, Encryption (with MD5, AES, SHA256, SHA512, or WHIRLPOOL), and others |
Atmel收购电容传感器IP商Quantum Research Group (2008.02.19) 外电消息报导,Atmel已经签署最终协议,将以约8,800万美元的现金,确定收购用户接口应用电容传感器IP与解决方案开发商Quantum Research Group。
Quantum为电容传感器技术的领先者,其触控垫(touchpad)导航技术被广泛运用在不同的市场中 |
-md5deep md5deep-2.0 (2007.10.16) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |
-md5deep md5deep-1.13 (2007.08.06) Computes the MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, Tiger, or Whirlpool message digest for any number of files while optionally recursively digging through the directory structure. Can also match input files against lists of known hashes in a variety of formats |