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近即时模拟与控制协助自主水下载具机动运行 (2023.08.25)
英飞凌推出 200 V 半桥闸极驱动 IC (2018.09.19)
英飞凌科技股份有限公司 (FSE:IFX/OTCQX:IFNNY) 旗下EiceDRIVER? 200 V 位准偏移闸极驱动器系列新增IRS2007S 200 V 半桥闸极驱动 IC 新成员,采用标准 SOIC-8 (DSO-8) 封装。相较於前几代产品,新款闸极驱动器具备用於 VCC 与 VBS 的欠压锁定 (UVLO) 功能可在启动操作中提供更隹的可靠性
Fairchild推出汽车闸极驱动器IC (2012.04.11)
快捷半导体(Fairchild)日前宣布,开发出高电流高侧闸极驱动器IC产品FAN7171和高电流高侧与低侧闸极驱动器IC产品FAN7190。 FAN7171和FAN7190是快捷半导体汽车高压IC(HVIC)闸极驱动器系列的成员,适合电动与油电混合DC-DC电源和功率逆变器、柴油和汽油喷射器及汽门,以及MOSFET和IGBT高侧驱动器应用
快捷半导体推出高压闸极驱动器 (2010.09.16)
快捷半导体公司(Fairchild Semiconductor)近日宣布,推出全新高压闸极驱动器IC产品以因应需求,其中包括具备关断功能的双输入、双输出/高侧和低侧闸极驱动器FAN7392;具备关断功能和受控死区时间的 (controllable dead time) 单输入、双输出/半桥组件FAN7393;具备关断和固定死区时间控制功能的单输入、双输出/半桥组件FAN73932
一款功能强大的网络监控软件,并实时为用户提出警告的有用工具-Network Eagle Monitor 4.19.1372 (2010.08.05)
-EkklesiaSoft VBS Registration (2010.06.22)
EkklesiaSoft VBS Registration is a PHP based online registration system released under the MIT license for Vacation Bible Schools. By allowing you to host the registration system on your own website, we are giving you the fle
-iMacros Script Code Creator (2010.06.17)
Generate scripting code from an iMacros macro and vice versa. Supported codestyles: VBS, VB, C#, Java, JavaScript, Php
一款相当棒的HTML网页编写器-TSW WebCoder 2009 (2009.04.10)
卡巴斯基发布2008年7月恶意软件排行 (2008.08.06)
IR推出保护式600V三相闸驱动器IC (2008.01.22)
国际整流器公司(International Rectifier,简称IR)推出IRS26302D。这款保护式600V三相闸驱动器IC具接地错误保护功能。它并为功率因素修正(Power Factor Correction,简称PFC)开关或变频制动器提供第七条闸驱动信道,适用于中功率设备马达控制以及其他许多通用三相反相应用
-SB EventLog Monitor EventLogMonitor-agent_1.05 (binary + source) (2007.09.01)
SB EventLog Monitor is monitoring and consolidating Windows EventLogs. Events are collected from server using VBS and WMI or by Windows agent. Events are parsed using PHP and YOUR rules and are stored in MySQL database. Email alerts are supported
-WABAccess (2007.07.22)
The WABAccess component give an access to the Windows Address Book (or WAB) used by Outlook Express. It's a COM/ATL component that give an access from Visual Basic language or Scripting language (VBS) to WAB.
-SB EventLog Monitor -empty (2007.06.17)
SB EventLog Monitor is monitoring and consolidating Windows EventLogs. Events are collected from server using VBS and WMI or by Windows agent. Events are parsed using PHP and YOUR rules and are stored in MySQL database. Email alerts are supported
-Codelobster 3.3.1 (2007.03.01)
Codelobster is a web code editor, that supports TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, VBS and SQL. It offers all the standard editing tools, as well as built-in online and offline preview, syntax highlighting, spell-checking, code collapsing, as well as auto-complete and context help for JavaScript, CSS and ASP code
-SB EventLog Monitor EventLogMonitor-agent beta1 (2007.02.10)
SB EventLog Monitor is tool for monitoring and consolidating Windows EventLogs. Event Logs are collected remotely from server using VBS and WMI. All events are parsed using PHP and YOUR rules and are stored in MySQL database. Email alerts are supported
-WABAccess (2007.01.06)
The WABAccess component give an access to the Windows Address Book (or WAB) used by Outlook Express. It's a COM/ATL component that give an access from Visual Basic language or Scripting language (VBS) to WAB.
-Codelobster 3.3 (2006.12.30)
Codelobster is a web code editor, that supports TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, VBS and SQL. It offers all the standard editing tools, as well as built-in online and offline preview, syntax highlighting, spell-checking, code collapsing, as well as auto-complete and context help for JavaScript, CSS and ASP code
-Intellivation Integra Integra 6.0.4 (2006.12.12)
Intellivation Integra evaluates mathematic expressions. The Result is shown as a 2D- or rotatable 3D-graph. Integra supports adding own functions (written in VBS or JS). Version 6 offers integral and differential calculations
-SB EventLog Monitor SB EventLog Monitor 067-beta1 (2006.12.08)
SB EventLog Monitor is tool for monitoring and consolidating Windows EventLogs. Event Logs are collected remotely from server using VBS and WMI. All events are parsed using PHP and YOUR rules and are stored in MySQL database. Email alerts are supported
-Codelobster 3.1 (2006.10.08)
Codelobster is a web code editor, that supports TXT, CPP, JAVA, JSP, PHP, PL, ASP, HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, JS, VBS and SQL. It offers all the standard editing tools, as well as built-in online and offline preview, syntax highlighting, spell-checking, code collapsing, as well as auto-complete and context help for JavaScript, CSS and ASP code

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1 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强
2 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
4 宜鼎E1.S固态硬碟因应边缘伺服器应用 补足边缘AI市场断层
5 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感测器处理平台加速即时边缘AI部署
6 Flex Power Modules为AI资料中心提供高功率密度与效率的IBC系列
7 瑞萨全新RA8 MCU系列将Arm Cortex-M85处理器高效引入成本敏感应用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化??切换开关IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT实现顶级低损耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飞凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周边控制器提供高速连接效力

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