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讨论新闻主题﹕LED用途扩展 笔电与雨伞皆见其芳踪
采用LED做为笔记本屏幕规格,目前除了日系品牌外,美系品牌的戴尔和苹果也首次在笔记本电脑上开始采用LED背光源液晶屏幕做为规格之一,LED在笔电市场上应用逐渐扩展。 LED背光源液晶屏幕比传统的TFT背光源液晶屏幕具有轻薄、明亮等好处,目前在NB上采用LED背光源液晶屏幕的NB品牌中,日系主要Sony和富士通(FUJITSU)为主,并已经推出相关系列的LED背光源NB产品,另外华硕也推出了产品U1F...

Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.10.20 11:13:55 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

LEDs are, on small scales, the cheapest, most reliable, and most technologically powerful light sources out there. But their true potential is finally being unleashed. A new generation of LEDs can go anywhere - even into your body.

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, are often used for text and video displays, and their infrared counterparts are everywhere in remote control technology. You can't take a trip without running into an LED - traffic signals are all LEDs, as are most of the lights on a car dashboard. And anyone who has been to a rock concert has probably run into a few people going crazy with LED-powered glowsticks.

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

Still, as researcher John Rogers of the University of Illinois points out, LEDs are brittle, meaning they can't be bent into different shapes. Well, no more, thanks to his new invention. He and his team have put tiny LEDs, each one smaller than the tip of a pen, on flexible electronic sheets. These sheets can be stretched and twisted up to 720 degrees without any loss in LED function, and they can hold up under soapy water or even underneath the skin, which they demonstrated by implant one sheet under the skin of mice.

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

As scientists tend to do, Rogers looks at this from the perspective of how it might benefit humanity. He sees great potential applications in using implanted LEDs for diagnostic purposes, and putting his LEDs on surgical gloves could allow doctors an even better view at what they're operating on.

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

But let's be real here - the crazy awesome applications of this invention way outstrip the humanity-benefiting ones. Implanted LEDs can be the new tattoo - put red ones down your spine for the sexy Cylon look!) Take your boring old household pets and stick some LEDs in them - instant excitement with glowing kitties and puppies! New glowsticks could be twisted 720 degrees to look like double helixes of DNA and handed out to biologists, giving scientific conferences a refreshingly heavy metal feel. And you just know somebody is figuring out how to put these things on a condom.

New ultra-flexible, waterproof LEDs can be implanted under your skin

What crazy ideas do you have for these ultra-flexible LEDs? Here are some more awesome pictures of Rogers's LEDs in action to get your creative juices going.

[Nature Materials]


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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.11.02 05:50:38 PM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

工研院軟性AMOLED顯示器更精進 僅0.1mm厚



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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.11.08 10:19:19 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!


雖然對許多人來說,OLED已經夠漂亮了,不過誰不希望看到更便宜、更大的OLED面板呢?Plextronics打算推出可以降低成本、並且更漂亮的OLED專用"墨水"Plexcore OC NQ Ink,不過這邊的墨水與傳統墨水或是電子紙的流體墨水不同,與其說是墨水,不如說是磷粉配方,這項配方將可以以更低的電壓運作,並且壽命更長。這項全新的配方預計2011年正式推出,到時候哪家廠商會率先採用哩?

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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.11.08 10:23:05 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!



Samsung 發表接近大量生產階段的 4.5吋可折疊顯示器 並宣佈推出 7吋 Super AMOLED 屏幕

可折疊顯示器己經不是第一次出現在我們眼前,只是一直以來只聞樓梯聲,從未聽到將大量生產這回事。根據 Samsung Mobile Display 於 FPD International 2010 的講話,這枚4.5吋,擁有 480 X 800 解像度的可折疊 AMOLED 顯示器己經很接近大量生產階段,而 Samsung 這次放棄使用玻璃材質,改用新的塑膠材質,令可折疊的幅度更高。

與此同時,Samsung 也展示 7吋的 Super AMOLED 屏幕,並宣佈明年六月開始大量生產,屆時將提供予自家產品,並公開發放有關 super AMOLED 屏幕其他廠商。這款全新的 7吋 Super AMOLED 屏幕解像度達到 1200X600,較現時 Galaxy Tab 使用的 1024 X 600 TFT LCD 屏幕的解像度更高,看來 LG 也要努力一點,快點推出十吋的 IPS 屏幕予蘋果的 iPad 囉!
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Only Chen
来自: 台北县
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.11.09 11:47:53 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

Flexible LED Mat Can Bend and Fold for Any Emergency Lighting Situations

Flexible LED Mat Can Bend and Fold for Any Emergency Lighting Situations

Running off three AA batteries, this FLEXiT blanket of LEDs is completely flexible and able to hold shape, meaning you can wrap and fold it around objects (your laptop, dog's tail, under the sink) for some urgent light-throwing.

There are 16 LEDs sprinkled across the silicone blanket, and there are even three light settings (I imagine for dim, dimmer, and dimmest light?) On sale November 17th, it'll cost $30. [FLEXiT via RedFerret via OhGizmo]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.11.10 09:57:18 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.11.15 11:51:55 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!


Bloom Table Lamp Blossoms Like A Flower

Beautiful Bloom table lamp transform from a bud to a blossom. This table lamp was inspired by both the One_Shot.MGX stool and flower blossoms found in nature. As you can see, the shade is 3 printed as a single piece, including hinges that in one movement, you can see this lamp blossom like a flower. The shade expands to release the light. Bloom lamp has succeed in crossing the boundaries of 3D technologies with its complexity design.

Designer : Patrick Jouin
Photo : Thomas Duval

Bloom Flower Lamp Table

Bloom Flower Lamp Table


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.11.22 11:34:58 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

Are efficient LED bulbs worth the price?

At this point, LED bulbs are the hybrid cars of lighting. They're cheaper to operate but cost more upfront than their less-efficient cousins.

There have been LED spotlights and smaller lights for years, but now people can buy LED bulbs that give out as much light as a 60-watt incandescent and are designed for use just about anywhere. And rather than purchase them online or in a specialty store, they will be available at Home Depot, Lowes, and no doubt other familiar retail outlets next year.

Weighing cost and light quality, LEDs are worth considering right now for downlights and worth keeping an eye on if you have a lot of incandescent bulbs. If you already have a lot of CFLs in places like desktop lamps, don't expect a quick payback by switching over. But LEDs offer some other advantages, notably longer life.

Lighting your living space is obviously a very personal decision, but as you think about upgrading with energy efficiency in mind, here are a few factors to consider.

The good news on LEDs are that these lights, quality-wise, are quite good and they put out enough light for a lot of needs. But there's no getting around the fact that LED bulbs for general lighting are a new technology that comes with a price premium.

Home Depot's 800 lumen Philips LED bulb is priced at just under $40 and consumes 12 watts. A 40-watt equivalent from Lighting Sciences Group, which consumes less than 8 watts, costs just under $18.

If you were considering moving en masse to LEDs, you would need to take a long view from a financial perspective. Osram Sylvania figures that putting its $39.98 LED in to replace a 60-watt incandescent will save $132 over the life of the bulb, assuming a price of electricity at 10 cents per kilowatt-hour. That's more than 25,000 hours, or 17 years of using a bulb four hours a day.

The Sylvania LED designed for general lighting, which gives off as much light as a 60-watt incandescent and uses 12 watts.

The Sylvania LED designed for general lighting, which gives off as much light as a 60-watt incandescent and uses 12 watts.

(Credit: Osram Sylvania)

Taking a more conservative, short-term view, I did some back-of-the envelope calculations. If you used a bulb for just two hours a day and paid the national average of 11.5 cents per kilowatt hour, a single 12-watt LED will cost you about $1 per year. Comparable CFLs that consume about 14 watts come to $1.17 per year and about $5 a year for 60-watt incandescents in that scenario. (See formula.)

The minimal energy savings you get from going from CFL to LEDs reflects that LED bulbs are only slightly more efficient, when measured on lumens per watt. And, of course, CFLs have come way down in price over the past few years, while LEDs are still at the top of a projected downward cost curve. If you have incandescent bulbs, saving $4 a year with an LED is more compelling, but that's still a long pay back.

Electricity prices vary quite a bit (see here for your state average) in the U.S. and changing the number of hours per day will vary the result quite a bit. For example, if you use an LED bulb four hours a day and pay a higher rate of 16 cents per kilowatt hour, you'd save $11 per year per bulb over an incandescent, giving you a payback time frame for a $40 LED of between three and four years. Obviously, these savings get bigger, the more bulbs you replace.

More significant is that LEDs have a stated life time of 25,000 hours or more, compared to about 8,000 for CFLs, and less than 1,000 for incandescents. So if you factor in replacements, the numbers look more favorable.

Keep in mind that LEDs are on a faster efficiency and price-improvement track than other lighting technologies. Some lighting industry executives expect the price for an 800-lumen LED bulb to fall to about $20 within two years, which changes the math significantly. And utilities could begin to subsidize them, as they did with CFLs.

How you'll be using the bulb
Before you get too lost in the numbers, consider what you're using your lighting for. A good application for long-lasting LEDS is a tough-to-reach space or one where you need to leave the light on for a long time, for example. Often, CFLs are not always dimmable and LEDs typically are.

Also, consider that LEDs are best at directional light, which is why there are so many spotlight and downlight LEDs that fit into cans. Reviews for the Home Depot downlight from Cree--a 65-watt replacement that uses 10 watts--are generally positive and there are signs that pricing is going to be aggressive. They are listed at $49.97 online but they were on sale for $20, at least in some Massachusetts stores. Another good use is a goose-neck desk lamp, which is designed for directed light.

These latest general-use LED bulbs do a better job dispersing light, but there are limits. Last night I put two LED bulbs from Lighting Sciences Group into sconces that are at about at eye level on either side of a mirror. The amount of light was fine, but because most of the light was projected down, it didn't provide the light where I wanted it to use the mirror. That same bulb in a ceiling light works just fine.

Paying $20 or $40 for a bulb is obviously a lot compared to the $2 bulbs already available, but there are other reasons to switch bulbs besides yearly energy savings, as commenters at CNET and the Home Depot Web site made clear.

Many people get impatient waiting for CFLs to warm up, particularly outside, or they don't want to worry about mercury in CLFs (which should be recycled through waste collection agencies or retailers). The inefficiency of incandescent bulbs manifests itself as heat. Using cooler LEDs can be significant when you consider the cost of cooling.

I'm about to buy some LEDs for my own home and one feature I'm considering is color temperature. In some areas, I think that a warmer yellow light--rated at 2,700 Kelvin--would work well. But some LEDs have a cooler white at 3,000 Kelvin, which I'll put in other spots. I'll also be paying more attention to color rendering index, which is a measure of color accuracy.

Green factor
Some lighting manufacturers refer to the LED business right now as the "wild west," which doesn't sound very comforting as a consumer. The fact is that there are inflated claims regarding the life times and light quality of LEDs, which has even led to the Federal Trade Commissioner filing suit against a manufacturer.

As you're looking around, remember that for LEDs to last a long time, they need a heat sink. That's the main reason LED bulbs have metal fins that go down the side, making them look different than the classic Edison-style bulb.

One way to combat that problem is to check out reviews and buy from places where you know you can return the product. A good resource for learning the lingo around lighting and getting specifications on individual products is the Department of Energy's LightingFacts Web site, where you can see a new label now being used.

Another thing that lighting professionals will tell you is that we should expect more diversity in lighting technology, not a takeover of LEDs. In the next years, expect to hear quite a bit more about LEDs for the home as retail outlets start carrying more and prices come down. Also worth watching is whether they live up to their promised long life.

I bought a hybrid car because I wanted the best mileage I could get and, similarly, I plan on buying some LEDs to lower my electricity usage as my CFLs burn out. And like other consumers, I'll be watching for prices to fall and hoping they last as long as they should. How well they fare displacing other types of lighting remains to be seen, but LEDs are now part of the mix.


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.11.29 11:38:47 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

Chameleon Lamp Copies the Color of His Surroundings, For Only $30

Chameleon Lamp Copies the Color of His Surroundings, For Only While it won't cast enough light to read by, Huey the chameleon lamp would make a great night-light. Like a true chameleon, he adapts to his environment and glows in the same color as whatever's underneath him.

If your whole house is void of color, he can otherwise cycle through the whole color range. A small squeeze of his body when he settles on your preferred color locks it in. Surprisingly, this lamp only costs $30, which I think is a great price for something that uses a couple of white LEDs and an optical sensor to recognize and emulate the color under his belly. [ThinkGeek via Technabob]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.11.29 11:41:19 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

Unfortunately, You Can't Eat These Radioactive Jars of LED Jam

Unfortunately, You Can't Eat These Radioactive Jars of LED JamConsidering I've just polished off half a jar of jam, you could say I'm a fan of all things preserved. But inedible LED jams? JellyLamps' bright hues make me sad I can't slather a knife-full on a bit of crust.

When turned upside down, the LED light inside each jar of JellyLamps jam switches on, and glows neon. When flipped over, rightside-up, it looks just like a normal jar of jam—albeit, one that's made from fruit plucked from the bushes of Chernobyl.

Unfortunately they're very pricey for what they are. Each jar runs off two AAA batteries (which casts 50hrs of light, apparently), and costs 35 Euros (around $46). [JellyLamps via HolyCool via OhGizmo]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.11.29 11:46:43 AM
文章主题: Re: LED時代來臨了!

Lamp made out of keyboard parts: qwerty-light

Nolan Herbut’s lamp design is made out of keyboards. He meticulously created the fixture by rearranging all of parts of keys that he found from unwanted keyboards and wrapping the whole thing up.


The light that comes from the lamp creates an interesting and ethereal effect. Does it make you want to create your own keyboard lamp? Probably not, but it’s definitely an good idea to do something with your old keyboards.

nolan herbut keyboard lamp diy recycle reuse

I’d like to see the effect if colorful LED lighting were used inside this lamp instead of a regular lightbulb. I’m sure that would be pretty funky.

[via Design Yearbook and Walyou]


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