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AAEON’s BOXER-8641AI Powered by the New NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin SoM

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 报导】   2022年09月23日 星期五


AAEON Joins Microsoft’s Azure Certified Device Program


TAIPEI, Taiwan - AAEON announced that it has joined the Azure Certified Device program, ensuring customers get IoT solutions up and running quickly with hardware and software that has been pre-tested and verified to work with Azure IoT.

This certification assures that AAEON’s new NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin-powered BOXER-8641AI has been tested for functionality and interoperability, ensuring that it has used the Microsoft reference configuration to become one of the market’s first Azure-certified NVIDIA Jetson Orin devices.

This announcement illustrates AAEON’s continued innovation in the edge AI space, as the BOXER-8641AI has been validated to work with Azure and the latest versions of IoT Edge. Such a certification gives AAEON customers confidence that when choosing the BOXER-8641AI for their application, it is fully IoT Edge compatible.

Accommodating the NVIDIA JetPack 5.0 and above equips the BOXER-8641AI with the full NVIDIA CUDA software stack. With its incredible I/O and expansion attributes, the BOXER-8641AI can therefore take advantage of the NVIDIA Ampere GPU architecture. Such a combination means that customers can utilize exceptional edge AI performance for industries such as high-end autonomous manufacturing and smart agriculture.

The BOXER-8641AI includes enhanced security using MicrosoftR Defender for IoT micro-agent that is integrated into the device. By including Microsoft Defender for IoT in the device itself, device builders and solution operators are able to create secure-by-design, managed IoT devices. Defender for IoT is an IoT EDR (IoT Endpoint Detection and Response) solution that delivers continuous asset discovery, vulnerability management, and threat detection across the device’s operating system and applications.

“Being part of the Azure Certified Device program validates our ability to jumpstart customers’ IoT projects with pre-tested device and operating system combinations,” said Alex Hsueh, Associate Vice President of AAEON’s System Platform Division. “Decreasing the usual customization and work required for compatibility ensures AAEON helps customers get quickly started on their IoT solution.”

關鍵字: IoT  AAEON 
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