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【作者: Steven Wang】   2010年10月19日 星期二



LED has gradually become our daily common household electrical components. Currently, the global LED development is heading towards white LED and high-power LED. In today's environment friendly requirements and high cost energy resource environment, good packaging industry will increase LED's luminous efficacy. In the past, Japan with its market-leading technology, has dominated the LED packaging industry. However, Taiwan's packaging industry has caught up, and its growth has far overtaken Japan. The future is promising.

LED因具有省電、體積小與環保訴求的優勢,近年來隨著發光效率逐漸提高與產品單價下滑,應用領域逐漸由4吋以下背光源、汽車尾燈,拓展到中小尺寸顯示器背光源、LCD TV背光源、第三煞車燈、方向燈、車頭燈、儀表燈、閱讀燈等。

LED產業鏈可分為上游單晶片(Single Crystal)、磊晶片(Epitaxy Wafer),中游的晶粒製造以及下游的封裝應用。LED可依照應用的需要,將LED封裝成不同的形式,如燈泡型(lamp LED)、點陣型(Display LED)、與表面黏著型(SMD LED)等三種。過去LED封裝產業由日本所主導,技術領先市場,然而台灣LED封裝產業急起直追,在成長率方面遠勝於日本。目前億光為台灣LED封裝龍頭廠商,其次宏齊與佰鴻等,LED前三大封裝廠產品結構仍以SMD為主力,且應用面逐漸由手機擴展到7吋以上面板背光源。至於白光螢光粉方面,億光與宏齊分別取得了OSRAM專利授權,佰鴻與立基則有日本廠商的專利授權。

LED supply chain can be categorized into upper stream of Single Crystal and Epitaxy Wafer, middle stream of wafer manufacturing and lower stream of packaging. With their respective requirements, LED can be packaged into 3 types, such as lamp LED, display LED and SMD LED. In the past, Japan with its market-leading technology, has dominated the LED packaging industry. Taiwan has caught up in this industry and its growth has far overtaken Japan. Everlight is currently Taiwan's main LED packaging supplier, followed by Bright LED and Bright. SMD is the main product of these three main packaging suppliers, and its usage has expanded from mobile phones to 7-inch and above panel backlight. Everlight and Bright LED have obtained the patent license from OSRAM for its white phosphor, while Bright and Flexconn have patent licenses from Japan's suppliers.

LED types

Category Wavelength Range Main Material Main Purpose
Visible Red, Orange, Yellow 550~700nm AlGaAs, GaAsP, GaP (General Brightness) 3C, home appliances light indicator
AlGaInP (High Brightness) Display board, backlight, traffic light, automotive light indicators
Blue, Green, Purple 400~550nm InGaN display board, backlight, traffic light, automotive light indicators and lighting
Invisible Ultra Violet <380nm AlGaN lighting (yet to commercialize), germicidal light
Infra Red 850~950nm GaAlAs, GaAs Remote control, IrDa module

Details of LED structure


White LED is categorized into organic LED and non-organic LED based on its manufacturing components. Currently, the 3 types of semiconductor white LED in the market are:

  • ●為以紅、藍、綠三色發光二極體晶粒組成白光發光模組;

  • ●以藍光發光二極體激發黃色YAG螢光粉產生白光發光二極體;

  • ●紫外光發光二極體激發透明光學膠中含均勻混有一定比例之藍色、綠色、紅色螢光粉。

  • ●Combination of red, blue and green LED chip to form white LED module;

  • ●Blue LED excitation of yellow YAG phosphor to form white LED;

  • ●UV LED excitation of transparent optical adhesive with uniform ratio of blue, green and red phosphor.


The white LED module that is based on the use of red, blue and green tri-color LED chips has the advantages of high luminous efficacy and high color rendition. However, these chips employed different epitaxial materials to produce different color, resulting in their current-voltage characteristics variant. This leads to high cost, complicates circuit design and also makes color mixing difficult.


However, by Nichia Corporation, using blue LED to stimulate yellow YAG phosphor powder to manufacture white LED is presently the most popular method in the market. The white LED developed by Nichia Corporation is structured by encapsulating blue LED chip within YAG phosphor powder and optical adhesive mixture. The blue LED chip emits blue light at wavelength of 400 ~ 530nm, part of the light stimulates the yellow YAG phosphor and produce yellow light, the other part of blue light transmits out from the phosphor’s yellow light, and the combination of blue light and yellow light forms the white light. However, white LED that makes use of combining blue LED and yellow light phosphor has the following disadvantages:

  • ●由於藍光佔發光光譜的大部份,因此,會有色溫偏高與不均勻的現象。基於上述原因,必須提高藍光與黃光螢光粉作用的機會,以降低藍光強度或是提高黃光的強度。

  • ●因為藍光發光二極體發光波長會隨溫度提升而改變,進而造成白光源顏色控制不易。

  • ●因發光紅色光譜較弱,造成演色性較差現象。

  • ●As the blue light is the major part of result emission, it creates a higher color temperature and poorer uniformity. Because of the above reason, we have to increase the chances of interaction between blue light and yellow phosphor, to weaken emission intensity in blue spectral region or to enhance the emission intensity in yellow spectral region.

  • ●The emission wavelength of blue LED varies with temperature, hence resulting in difficulty in controlling the color of white light.

  • ●The weak emission intensity in red spectral region results in low color-rendering index.


As for using UV LED to stimulate the optical adhesive that contains a certain ratio of blue, green and red phosphor powders, the stimulation generates three wavelengths of white light. This triple wavelengths white LED have the advantage of high color rendering capability, but also have the disadvantage of poor luminous efficacy.


Regardless of whether the phosphor-based white LED uses blue LED chip or UV LED chip as its light source, the disadvantages are insufficient luminous flux and difficulty in controlling uniformity.

Currently, LED industry resolve the luminous flux issue by increasing the transmittance or extracting more luminous flux from the chips. For example, using transparent conductive material to increase the luminous flux that chip generates and changing chip’s epitaxial structure or LED electrode design to gain higher light extraction efficiency. Also, when using UV LED as light source for stimulation, the shorter the UV wavelength, the more harm it causes to the human eye. Hence, the UV has to be detained within the white LED structure. To address the above issues, increasing the UV conversion rate by phosphor powder and blocking the leakage of UV are required. In improving the phosphor's luminous flux, it is also intended that uniformity can be improved at the same time.

《圖一  Japan Nichia's patented white LED concept》
《圖一 Japan Nichia's patented white LED concept》

Improve LED luminous Efficacy through Packaging

為改善上述缺點,在美國專利第5,962,971號使用紫外光濾波器(UV filter)作為發光二極體螢光粉層光出射面的封裝。此方式除可增加螢光粉層的發光均勻度外,並可吸收阻絕發光二極體晶片所發出之紫外光對人眼的傷害。另外在飛利浦所申請的美國專利第5,813,753號,是在紫外光/藍光發光二極體晶片的發光面上,鍍上一層短波穿透濾波器(short wave pass filter),以增加發光晶片之紫外光出射量與發光二極體發光面之可見光(螢光)反射量。另一方面,在紫外光/藍光發光二極體之前端出射面以可見光穿透濾波器(long wave pass filter)作封裝,亦可增加可見光的穿透率。

In order to counter the above deficiency, a UV filter is employed as the packaging of phosphor layer emission exit, as patented in US Patent 5,962,971. This method not only improves the uniformity of phosphors luminosity, it also absorbs and blocks the UV emitted from LED chip which will cause harm to the human eye. Also, in Philips' US Patent 5,813,753, the light emitting surface of UV / blue LED chip is coated with a layer of short wave pass filter to increase the chip’s UV emission and increase chip’s reflectivity of visible light (phosphors). On the other hand, using a long wave pass filter as packaging of UV/blue LED front side emission exit can improve the visible light transmittance.

《圖二  Concept of White LED through UV Excitation》
《圖二 Concept of White LED through UV Excitation》

Increase Light Extraction Efficiency and Reduce Heat Resistance

由於高亮度LED的應用面不斷擴大,如液晶電視、手機、PDA、以及照明領域等,所以各色LED晶片輸入功率的不斷提高,對封裝技術主要除封裝結構要有高的取光效率(extraction efficiency)外,另一重要關鍵技術是降低熱阻,才能使光輸出功率穩定、壽命增加和提高可靠性。LED發光層所用的磊晶材料採用MOCVD技術和量子井(Quantum Well;QW)結構,使其提高其內量子效率。但由於內全反射(Total Internal Reflection;TIR)原因,使得晶片的光汲取效率過低並產生發熱現象。傳統的LED封裝結構,一般是用膠或銀膠將LED晶片黏貼在導線架的反射杯中或SMD基座上,再由金或鋁線焊線機完成LED元件的內外連接正負極後,用環氧樹脂封裝而成。若採用傳統式的LED封裝形式其程序雖然簡單,但其熱阻高達250℃/W~300℃/W。LED將會因為散熱不良而導致晶片溫度迅速上升和環氧樹脂變質,進而造成LED元件的加速老化到失去發光功能,且因為持續的熱量累積所產生的發光效率降低,並將加速LED元件本身增溫,增溫效應形成應力造成結構不良而燒毀。

As the applications of high brightness LED continues expand, such as LCD TV, mobile phones and lighting etc., the input power of various colored LED chips continues to increase. In order to stabilize the power of optical output, increase the life span and improve the reliability, not only does the package structure must have high light extraction efficiency, reducing heat resistance is also an important key technology to package technology. The use of epitaxial material that employed quantum well structure and MOCVD technology for LED light emitting layer increases its internal quantum efficiency. However, due to the total internal reflection, the chip’s light extraction efficiency becomes too low and causes the chip to overheat. In traditional LED packaging, adhesive or silver epoxy is used to mount the LED chip onto the reflection cavity of lead frame or SMD substrate, and then connect the anode and cathode of LED chip to their corresponding leads with gold/aluminum bound wire by using the wire bounder, and finally packaged with epoxy. Though the procedure of traditional LED packaging is simple, the heat resistance can be up to 250℃/W ~ 300℃/W. As such, the bad cooling will cause the temperature of the chip to rise and the epoxy to deteriorate, which accelerates the LED degrading and losing its light emitting ability. The reducing of light luminous efficacy caused by continued accumulation of heat, accelerates the increase of LED temperature and the effect of increasing temperature creates stress to LED structure, causing it to burn.

因此,現有的新型LED的設計採用了覆晶(flip-chip)結構來提高晶片的光汲取效率,並改善晶片的散熱特性以降低熱阻。另一方面也有利用增大LED晶片面積,提高工作電流來增加LED的光電轉換效率,以獲得較大的發光量。除了LED晶片外,白光LED的螢光粉材料與微光學設計技術也具舉足輕重且關鍵的封裝技術。如何進行整體發光二極體結構的二次光學設計以配合材料特性以提高元件的發光效率為目前熱門研究方向,例如晶粒內部結構設計反射功能並配合外加的反射器與特殊微光學透鏡結構提升 LED發光效率。另一方面,改進螢光粉的成份以增加螢光轉換效率,亦為世界各大光電半導體廠與照明大廠兵家必爭的一塊大餅。

Hence, the new LED design uses flip-chip packaging to increase the chip's light extraction efficiency, and improves the chip's cooling ability to reduce heat resistance. Other than that, using bigger LED chip surface and increasing working current improve the conversion efficacy, hence gaining higher luminous flux. Besides the LED chip, other key packaging techniques are the materials of the phosphors used in white LED and micro-optic design techniques.

The current popular research direction is how to make a secondary optical design on the overall LED structure, together with the materials' characteristics, to improve the LED's luminous efficacy. For example, by designing the chip internal structure with reflective capability and together with external reflector and special micro-optical lens structure, the LED’s luminous efficacy will be increased. On the other hand, improving the components of the phosphors for higher phosphor conversion efficiency is a competitive market for the optoelectronic semiconductor and lighting manufacturers in the world.

Taiwan's LED Packaging Suppliers' Customer Details

Supplier Name Customers' details
Everlight Have penetrated into international plants like NOKIA, MOTO and Compal Communications.
Bright LED Clients include Agilent, Compal Communications and Korean mobile phone companies etc.

Actively penetrating into international mobile phone companies.

Bright Main mobile phone customers include BenQ and other China companies
Everlight Main development focus is its 7-inch backlight panel

Taiwan's LED Packaging Industry Market Status

LED packaging revenue for August increases by 8.7% which exceeds that of chip industry, which is 5.2%



Based on statistics by industry research agency LEDinside, August total revenue for Taiwan's listed LED companies was 64.11 billion NTD, an increase of 7.2% from previous month. Packaging industry rose by 8.7%, which is more than that of the chip industry's 5.2%. LED chip industry's August revenue was 27.57 million NTD, an increase of 5.2% from July's revenue. Its yearly growth is 14%. LED packaging industry's August revenue was 36.54 billion NTD, an increase of 8.7% from July's revenue.


We can see that LED packaging industry's August total revenue was 36.54 billion NTD, an increase of 8.7% from previous month, and its yearly growth is 4.4%. Packaging industry's output exceeded that of last year's same period. Everlight's August revenue set a record high of about 11.17 billion NTD.

April 2009 LED Packaging Industry's Revenue Ranking

(Domination: NTD million)

Supplier March 2009 April 2009 MoM YoY
Everlight 805 926 15.0% -2.0%
Bright LED 308 336 9.0% 4.1%
Unity Opto 233 303 29.9% 3.7%
Harvatek 207 231 12.0% -11.0%
Light House Tech 198 214 8.1% 148.7%
Advanced Optoelectronics 179 200 11.6% 11.8%
Edison Opto 107 117 9.4% 19.5%
Ledtech 75 90 20.0% -9.8%
Taiwan Oasis 77 77 0.0% -24.1%
Others 722 778 7.7% -21.5%
Total 2911 3272 12.4% -3.1%

Q4 Demand for LED chip is still high, packaging industry suffers


From LEDinside's survey, high brightness blue LED chip is in short supply, and it is estimated that the order will continue to increase till October. Some suppliers' orders have even last till year end. As for LED packaging industry, because small and medium size backlight demand decreases due to off season, and adjustment of inventory of large size backlight, Q4's performance may suffer.

LEDinside指出,觀察近期LED市場下游LED封裝廠,據調查,目前廠商的訂單能見度,大多僅達9月底。LEDinside表示,主因是第四季以後傳統淡季來臨,包括中小尺吋的手機背光源等等應用產品需求,將隨著手機的出貨淡季來臨而逐漸下滑。大尺寸背光部分則因第三季LED供給吃緊,面板廠有超額下單(over booking)的現象。預料在第四季面板需求下滑後,面板廠商也將開始調節手中的LED庫存。這些因素都將影響部分LED封裝廠今年第四季的營收成長動能。

LEDinside points out with respect to LED's lower stream market, LED packaging industry's order will last till September at most. The main reason is the off-season after the fourth quarter, which includes the lower demand of small and medium size mobile phone backlight due to the off-season of mobile phones. The supply shock of LED in the third quarter causes overbooking of large size backlight by the panel supplier. It is expected that in the fourth quarter when the demand of panel declines, panel supplier may start to adjust their LED inventory. These factors will affect some of the LED packaging suppliers' fourth quarter revenue growth.


Looking at the individual packaging suppliers, Everlight's August revenue set a record high of 11.17 billion NTD, an increase of 17.2% from the previous month, and its yearly growth is 9.5%. This is mainly due to increase in usage of medium and large size backlight and smart phones. Unity Opto's revenue set a record of 4.24 billion NTD in August, an increase of 5.5% from previous month, mainly due the demand in medium and large size backlight. Compared to the same period last year, its growth has increased by 40%. Bright LED, whose market is mainly in the mobile phone, with the increase in white-box cell phone, its August revenue reached 2.62 billion NTD, an increase of 7.1%. With the launch of new products in the second half of the year, there is still room of increase of revenue. Bright, with its market in medium and large size backlight supply, reached a record revenue of 4.33 billion NTD in August, an increase of 25.7% from previous month. Its yearly growth is 22%.

Bright's EPS this year is nearly 1.5 NTD and continues to expand its SMD capacity in the following year.


In 2009 third quarter, due to the increase in order of infrared products and SMD LED packaging, Bright's average capacity utilization reached nearly 90%. Not only revenue increased, gross margin and net profit will also significantly improve. It is expected that Bright's revenue will increase by 25% to 30% as compared to the last quarter, and its gross margin will return to above 20%. On the other hand, with the expansion into TV backlight business, Bright expects that next year, with the continued expansion of SMD LED packaging capacity, its capital expenditure may exceed 5 billion NTD.


Currently, visible LED products (including general LED product and other high brightness LED product, etc.) contributes to 55% to 60% of Bright's revenue while invisible (infrared LED) LED products contributes to 40% to 50% of the revenue. With the increase of customers' demand, Bright's third quarter revenue for infrared products greatly increases by 70%, and its capacity utilization is almost full. As for visible LED, due to the stable growth of NB backlight and mobile phone backlight, third quarter's SMD LED average capacity utilization also reaches a high rate of 90%.


Bright expects that September's revenue will be much better than August's, the main reason being the continued growth of large size backlight industry. Also, China's LED street light tender will be released soon. It is expected that Bright's September revenue this year will reach a steady high of 4 billion NTD.


Because Bright's third quarter average capacity utilization significantly improves, gross profit margin is expected to return to above 20%. Besides, with the decrease in expenses and non-operating loss, there is a chance that Bright's third quarter net profit will reach 1.8 to 2 billion NTD.


As Bright is actively expanding into TV backlight product industry, it has preliminarily penetrated into Korean consumer TV backlight supply chain. Next, Bright will continue to cater to Taiwan's and China's TV system suppliers' order. In the future, it will continue to expand the SMD LED capacity. Next year's capital expenditure is expected to exceed 5 billion NTD.

Taiwan Oasis awarded Hong Kong LED Technology Tender


According to the Dongguan tender result announcement in the August issue of “2009 Guangdong-Hongkong Key Domain Breakthrough Project of China” published by China Dongguan City's market leading group, Taiwan's LED packaging supplier Oasis said that its Dongguan Oasistek is the only company among the Taiwan-funded companies awarded the tender. The awarded tender items include LED lighting thermal technology as well as study of optical performance improvement and industrialization project. Not only will Dongguan city government provides grant funding, winning tenderers will be given priority when tendering for public sector's tenders in the future. Dongguan Oasistek's products such as LED lighting fixtures and LED street lights will be launched in the fourth quarter this year.


Oasistek's chairman, Lee, Ming-Shun said, Oasistek in winning the Dongguan's electronic and information technology tender, went through numerous stringent examinations. Oasis' winning points are on the products' brightness, thermal and optical design, which caters to the market's demand for long operating life street lights. Oasistek has started to contact and cooperate with various Mainland provinces, and the first result is expected to be seen in Dongguan Henan.


Recently, Oasis has been working towards the lighting fixtures market. Currently, Dongguan plant is working on its LED street lights demonstration project. Besides targeting for energy saving, it also opens its doors to the public for product examination. In terms of upper stream LED chip vertical integration, Oasis' UniLite and LuxtalTek is in the integration process, and will work towards producing high brightness LED chip products. In terms of lower stream supply, Dongguan's Oasis will work towards producing LED street lights, down lights, lamps, table lamps, automotive lighting and modules etc.

儘管目前李洲主要營收來源仍以LED顯示看板應用為主,佔營收比重約達60~70%, SMD表面黏著型LED產品營收佔比約10%,燈泡型LED產品營收佔比約10%,LED照明系統模組產品,合計營收佔比仍低於10%。不過,李洲強調,照明應用是LED業者下一步勢必要走的路,明年來自照明應用的營收貢獻,就會較顯著的增長。

Even though 60% to 70% of Oasis' revenue is from LED display board usage, 10% from SMD surface mount LED products, 10% from bulb-type LED products and 10% from LED lighting module, Oasis emphasizes that lighting applications is the next step for LED industry. In the year to come, revenue from lighting applications will significantly increase.



LED has gradually become our daily common household electrical components. Currently, the global LED development is heading towards white LED and high-power LED. In today's environment friendly requirements and high cost energy resource environment, white LED with its energy-saving and thin short and small attributes, and its ability to be made into large LED display modules, has made its name as the star of the lighting domain. Hence, if it can replace the current lighting technology, it will bring a new wave of industry revolution and civilization development to the global energy industry. Also, the innovative packaging technology will lead to better LED luminous efficacy. At the present stage, optics, mechanical, electrical science and thermal science are areas to be explored in the study of white LED. It will have a deep influence on the future development; hence the continued effort is much worth.

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