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【作者: 王岫晨】   2010年08月10日 星期二



家用電力網路聯盟(HomePlug Powerline Alliance;HPA)就提供了另一種接取網路的便利方式,透過家中電源回路來提供網路連結,如此可省去家中電線、網路線縱橫交錯的情況。目前HomePlug及HomePlug AV裝置在全球的寬頻電力線通訊市場中,市佔率超過八成,並已經售出超過4500萬個裝置,預計今年年底前出貨量還將達到6000萬台。

《圖一 Homeplug可提供便利的家用網路,然而在現代化的網路住宅中,Homeplug是否還能保有其優勢?》
《圖一 Homeplug可提供便利的家用網路,然而在現代化的網路住宅中,Homeplug是否還能保有其優勢?》



觀察無線網路AP,會發現因為模組的大量生產,成本非常低廉,加上從IEEE 802.11a、b、g到n等世代不斷演進,幾乎在每部NB上都有,甚至手機也都內建了Wi-Fi網路接收功能。無線網路的相關產品在台灣非常便宜,既使不內建無線網路的產品,外加一個USB無線網卡才2~300元價格,但HomePlug方案卻動輒接近1000元價位。在技術成熟與價格便宜的誘因下,多數使用者寧可選擇使用熟悉的Wi-Fi無線網路AP,而非成本相對較高,且穩定度相對較差的HomePlug。


《圖二 家用電力線網路聯盟主席Rob Ranck說,Homeplug將內嵌於各式消費電子裝置中,成為新一代數位娛樂平台。》
《圖二 家用電力線網路聯盟主席Rob Ranck說,Homeplug將內嵌於各式消費電子裝置中,成為新一代數位娛樂平台。》






  • (1)新式建築通常都已預設好內建的網路插座;

  • (2)舊式建築則通常不會在乎其拉線的美觀與否,因此通常會直接設置穩定度更高的網路線;

  • (3)Homeplug產品售價不便宜,加上廠商宣傳少,許多消費者根本不曉得有這樣的產品。

《圖三 創銳訊產品行銷經理Ganesh Swaminathan說,只要加強宣傳力道,Homeplug在家用通訊領域還是能佔有一席之地。》
《圖三 創銳訊產品行銷經理Ganesh Swaminathan說,只要加強宣傳力道,Homeplug在家用通訊領域還是能佔有一席之地。》




Tommy Chung發言於2011.01.06 12:00:29 PM

LG home appliances get smarter with THINQ

You still have to do your own laundry and cooking, but LG promises its new THINQ technology will make it easier and more economical to manage your home appliances. LG is showing off its latest smart refrigerators, stoves, and washers at CES 2011 and the appliances are loaded with energy-saving, diagnostic and customization features, including the ability to monitor and control your appliances using your smartphone or tablet.

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The LG THINQ features include Smart Grid, Smart Diagnosis, Smart Access, Smart Adapt, and Food Management. These features let you use the THINQ smart network to manage your LG refrigerator, washing machine, oven, and robotic vacuum cleaner. The THINQ features are available on the appliances themselves, or using a Wi-Fi network connection for remote access from an app on your smartphone or tablet. (LG notes that not all of the remote connectivity features are available on all appliances yet.)

Smart Grid
The LG THINQ energy manager, Smart Grid, helps to ensure that your appliances use the least energy and at the cheapest times. Smart Grid offers you a “recommend time” to do the wash at off-peak electricity rates, or a “lowest rate” option that chooses the time when electricity rates are lowest. LG’s ovens and refrigerators can also use Smart Grid to adjust their functions to save on energy bills.

The display on the LG appliances shows energy consumption and associated costs over time, and the data is also be available on your smartphones or tablet. LG refrigerators even count and display the number of times you open the refrigerator door, letting you save even more energy, or just feel guilty about your snacking habits.

Smart Diagnosis
LG THINQ features a troubleshooting feature, called Smart Diagnosis, which notices if something is wrong with your LG appliance. For minor problems, such as a refrigerator door left open, the issue is shown on the appliance display. Future models will alert you on your smartphone over a Wi-Fi connection.

For larger issues, you can call LG customer service and a technician will be able to diagnose your appliance by downloading a series of tones over the phone. You can also diagnose your washing machines at home using the LG THINQ app on your smartphone.

Smart Access
Smart Access is the LG THINQ feature that lets you monitor, control, and secure your home appliances remotely, even from outside your home. For example, LG says you can see how much longer your dinner has to cook or check the contents of the refrigerator. If you have one of LG’s HOM-BOT robotic vacuum cleaners you will even be able to instruct it to clean up, or you can visually check inside your house using the vacuum’s video camera.


Smart Adapt
Smart Adapt lets you upgrade and personalize your LG THINQ appliances. With Smart Adapt, you can download the latest upgrades and options for your appliances, including pre-programmed recipes and specialized washing cycles.

Food Management
The LG THINQ Food management feature lets you monitor your refrigerator and helps to manage your groceries. Using voice commands or drag-and-drop food icons on the refrigerator’s LCD display, you can identify what is in the refrigerator and where it is. This information is also available from your smartphones or tablet, allowing you to check what you need from the supermarket.



Steven Wang發言於2010.08.26 09:21:46 AM


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