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Wi-Fi Direct and High Speed Bluetooth 3.0 Are at War!

【作者: Steven Wang】   2010年10月19日 星期二


Wi-Fi聯盟的最新標準Wi-Fi Direct,相關產品將在2010年推出。此消息一出,立刻引起Wi-Fi Direct與高速藍牙3.0之間的競爭浮出檯面,雙方在PC和消費電子領域勢必將展開激烈的競逐。雙方在功能與應用上相互重疊,技術也各有利弊,誰能勝出尚待觀察。

The Wi-Fi alliance’s latest standard Wi-Fi Direct’s related products will be launched in 2010. Once this news came out, the competition between high-speed Wi-Fi Direct and Bluetooth 3.0 immediately surfaced. They will surely compete fiercely in the PC and consumer electronics industries. Their functions and applications overlap, and each technology has its advantages and disadvantages. We will see which one is going to win.

Wi-Fi Direct技術最主要的特色,在於即使沒有Wi-Fi網路、熱點或是Internet連接,藉由Wi-Fi點對點技術,Wi-Fi Direct都可以讓任何Wi-Fi裝置直接相互連結傳輸。例如,Wi-Fi Direct可讓筆電直接傳輸訊息,無須USB連線和E-mail作為媒介;消費者也可藉由單一Wi-Fi Direct遠端控制裝置,直接控制數位家庭內各類具備Wi-Fi升級功能的消費電子產品。以往傳統PAN解決方案只能侷限在室內單一隔間環境,Wi-Fi Direct技術則將打破這個藩籬,將傳輸覆蓋範圍直接擴及到室內各個角落。

Wi-Fi Direct technology’s key feature is that even without Wi-Fi networks, hotspots or Internet connections, simply with the help of Wi-Fi peer to peer technology, Wi-Fi Direct can make any Wi-Fi device directly interconnected. For example, Wi-Fi Direct enables laptops to directly transmit information, without USB connections and E-mails as the medium. Consumers can use a single Wi-Fi Direct remote control device to directly control various types of digital home’s Wi-Fi-upgradeable consumer electronics products. Traditional PAN solutions limit the transmission within a single indoor compartment environment, but Wi-Fi Direct technology will break the barrier, and extend the direct transmission range to every corner of the room.

《圖一  Figure’s explanation: (Figure I) Currently Wi-Fi Direct applications focus on printing photos of cameras, sharing music, syncing, and showing mobile phone pictures on television.》
《圖一  Figure’s explanation: (Figure I) Currently Wi-Fi Direct applications focus on printing photos of cameras, sharing music, syncing, and showing mobile phone pictures on television.》

IP-based Wi-Fi Direct applications are becoming gradually clear.

Wi-Fi Direct技術的輪廓才剛浮現,便引起業界人士的好奇。Wi-Fi Direct技術究竟會長什麼樣?它將如何讓無線區域網路應用改頭換面令人耳目一新?Wi-Fi聯盟執行董事Edgar Figueroa指出,Wi-Fi Direct核心實體層是以IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n為主,並以IP為基礎的無線網路設計,不僅能夠相容之前任何的Wi-Fi技術,並且只要透過軟體升級無須更動任何硬體裝置,便可讓既有的Wi-Fi功能升級到Wi-Fi Direct。

Ever since Wi-Fi Direct technology started to emerge, the industry started to feel curious. What will Wi-Fi Direct technology actually look like? How will it make wireless local area network applications totally change and make us feel refreshed? Wi-Fi alliance executive director Edgar Figueroa pointed out; Wi-Fi Direct’s core physical layer focuses on IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, and IP-based wireless network design. It is compatible with any Wi-Fi technology in the past; moreover, you can upgrade existing Wi-Fi functions to Wi-Fi Direct by software upgrading, and no any hardware devices changes are necessary.

Edgar Figueroa強調,Wi-Fi Direct技術即使沒有Wi-Fi網路、熱點或是Internet連接,藉由Wi-Fi點對點技術,Wi-Fi Direct都可以讓任何Wi-Fi裝置直接相互連結傳輸。Wi-Fi Direct更可讓筆電之間直接傳輸訊息,而無須USB連線和Email作為媒介;Wi-Fi Direct也可實現消費者藉由單一遠端控制裝置,直接控制數位家庭內各類具備Wi-Fi升級功能的消費電子產品。

Edgar Figueroa emphasized, even without Wi-Fi networks, hotspots or Internet connections, simply with the help of Wi-Fi peer to peer technology, Wi-Fi Direct technology can make any Wi-Fi device directly interconnected. For example, Wi-Fi Direct enables laptops to directly transfer information, without USB connections and E-mails as the medium. Consumers can use a single Wi-Fi Direct remote control device to directly control various types of digital home’s Wi-Fi-upgradeable consumer electronics products.

Edgar Figueroa也透露,首批經過Wi-Fi聯盟認證後的Wi-Fi Direct產品預計將在2010年中旬推出。

Edgar Figueroa also revealed the first batch of Wi-Fi alliance certified Wi-Fi Direct products are expected to be launched in middle 2010.

《圖二  Wi-Fi alliance executive director Edgar Figueroa said, Wi-Fi Direct’s directly exchange and transmission are mature and ready. People can use it to develop more new Wi-Fi applications. 》
《圖二  Wi-Fi alliance executive director Edgar Figueroa said, Wi-Fi Direct’s directly exchange and transmission are mature and ready. People can use it to develop more new Wi-Fi applications.

Edgar Figueroa進一步說明,Wi-Fi Direct技術在吞吐量和覆蓋範圍上,將根本地改變了以往個人區域網路的使用經驗。以往傳統PAN解決方案只能侷限在室內單一隔間環境,Wi-Fi Direct技術則將打破這個藩籬,將傳輸覆蓋範圍直接擴及到室內各個角落。Edgar Figueroa指出,Wi-Fi Direct的傳輸範圍可達200公尺,傳速速率可到250Mbps,在傳輸安全性設計上搭配Wi-Fi保護裝置和WPA2安全設計,並採用QoS機制和節能方案,能夠讓目前超過6億人使用的Wi-Fi功能直接升級。

Edgar Figueroa further explained, Wi-Fi Direct technology, in throughput and coverage, will fundamentally change the past personal area network usage experience. Traditional PAN solutions limit the transmission within a single indoor compartment environment, but Wi-Fi Direct technology will break the barrier, and extend the direct transmission range to every corner of the room. Edgar Figueroa pointed out, Wi-Fi Direct transmission range is up to 200 meters. Its transmission speed can reach 250Mbps. As for the design of the transmission safety, it uses Wi-Fi protection devices and WPA2 security design. It also uses of QoS mechanisms and energy-saving solutions. It can, currently, enable Wi-Fi functionality that more than 600 million people are using directly upgrade.

因此,Edgar Figueroa認為,Wi-Fi Direct將能帶動另一波新興的Wi-Fi應用市場。目前規劃的Wi-Fi Direct技術應用將以列印相機相片、分享音樂、同步聯絡、在電視上顯示行動電話圖片等為主。目前也已經有廠商將Wi-Fi Direct技術應用在滑鼠,可運作筆電功能直接傳輸並顯示多媒體圖片,並與其他具備Wi-Fi Direct的裝置直接分享。

Thus, Edgar Figueroa believed that, Wi-Fi Direct will be able to drive another wave of emerging Wi-Fi applications markets. Wi-Fi Direct applications currently focus on printing photos of cameras, sharing music, syncing, and showing mobile phone pictures on television. Manufacturers already applied Wi-Fi Direct technology on mice. Those mice can directly operate laptops’ functions, transmit directly and display multimedia images, and share directly with other Wi-Fi Direct devices.

High-speed Bluetooth 3.0 strongly debuts

另一方面, 藍牙技術聯盟(Bluetooth SIG)主推的高速藍牙3.0版本(Bluetooth 3.0+High Speed)亦不遑多讓,強調可無線同步傳輸包括多媒體影像、視訊和音訊等大型檔案,相容以往版本技術且互通性強。首批使用高速藍牙3.0的產品最快將在今年底明年初上市。

On the other hand, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) mainly push the high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 (Bluetooth 3.0 + High Speed.) High-speed Bluetooth 3.0 is not a weak competitor. It emphasizes on wireless synchronization transmission which may include large files such as multimedia, video and audio. It also is compatible with previous versions of technology and is strongly interoperable. The first products using the high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 will be launched as early as in the end of this year or early next year.

高速藍牙3.0也是以IEEE 802.11標準為基礎,設計802.11的協定轉換層(PAL),可藉由802.11 b/g/a的MAC/PHY達到高速傳輸的目的。值得注意的是,高速藍牙3.0可藉由radio切換管理設計AMP機制,一般傳輸利用藍牙功能,傳輸高容量資料則利用802.11,來改善Host端傳輸效能。高速藍牙3.0所內建的電源管理機制(Enhanced Power Control),可大幅提升節能效果,同時延續藍牙2.1版+EDR的多項特性,包括簡易安全配對(Simple Secure Pairing)及內建自動安全機制等。

High-speed Bluetooth 3.0 is also based on IEEE 802.11 standard to design 802.11’s Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL). It achieves high-speed transmission purposes via 802.11 b/g/ a’s MAC/PHY. It is noteworthy that high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 manages Generic Alternate MAC/PHY (short as AMP) by switching radio. General transmission uses Bluetooth; high capacity data transmission uses 802.11 to improve the host-side transmission performance. High-speed Bluetooth 3.0 built-in “Enhanced Power Control” can significantly improve energy-saving efficiency, and continue to have Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR’s many features, including “Simple Secure Pairing” and built-in automatic safety mechanism.

藍牙技術聯盟預估到2010年,高速藍牙3.0將佔所有藍牙設備的23%,2011年更將迅速攀升至61%。另外根據IMS Research的預估,到2013年時支援高速藍牙3.0的手持設備將超過3億台,同時會有約6000萬台的PC、3500萬台的個人媒體播放器、1.5億個外接設備以及約200萬台數位相機使用高速藍牙3.0功能。

Bluetooth SIG estimates that by 2010, high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 will account for 23% of all Bluetooth devices. It will rise rapidly to 61% in 2011. Also, according to IMS Research’s prediction, by 2013 handheld devices that support high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 will reach more than 300 millions units. In the meantime, there will be about 60 millions PC, 35 millions personal media players, 150 millions external devices and about 2 millions digital cameras feature high-speed Bluetooth 3.0.

Wi-Fi Direct will launch next year, while Bluetooth is nervous and afraid of the competitor’s impact?

Wi-Fi Direct新規格預計在2010年中期開始實施,屆時電腦、相機及手機等電子產品,將不必透過無線網路就能彼此互聯。

Wi-Fi Direct’s new specifications are expected to be actualized in mid-2010, by the time electronic products such as computers, cameras and mobile phones can be


Wi-Fi alliance said that this new specification will allow electronic products such as computers, cameras and mobile phones directly interconnect via each other's Wi-Fi networks. They no longer have to go through the home or office wireless networks to connect. Whether it is printing information, sharing audio and video files, it will be so much easier for future consumers.

目前Wi-Fi聯盟的成員包括英特爾(Intel)和蘋果(Apple)等。都希望此新技術與設備能在 2010 年中,就順利進入市場,使用者只要透過軟體下載,就能將設備直接升級為 Wi-Fi Direct。

Wi-Fi alliance's members include Intel and Apple currently. They both hope this new technology and devices will successfully enter the market in the middle of 2010. Users only need to download software, and they can upgrade the device directly to Wi-Fi Direct.

Wi-Fi聯盟亦樂觀期待Wi-Fi Direct可帶動另一波新興的Wi-Fi應用風潮。目前規劃的Wi-Fi Direct應用將以列印相機相片、分享音樂、同步聯絡、在電視上顯示行動電話圖片等為主。目前也已有廠商將Wi-Fi Direct技術應用在滑鼠,可運作筆電功能直接傳輸並顯示多媒體圖片,並與其他具備Wi-Fi Direct的裝置直接分享。

Wi-Fi alliance optimistically expects that Wi-Fi Direct can drive another new wave of Wi-Fi applications. It has been planned that Wi-Fi Direct applications will include camera photos printing, sharing music, syncing, and showing mobile phone pictures on television. Manufacturers already apply Wi-Fi Direct technology on mice. Those mice can operate laptops’ features, transmit directly and then display multimedia images, and share directly with other Wi-Fi Direct devices.

而這套新規格預計最快將在2010年中推出市場,屆時經認證達的電子產品,將會加註「Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct」的英文字樣。但分析人士表示,Wi-Fi Direct很可能會改變目前的無線連接市場,特別是對藍牙將會帶來不少威脅。

The new standard is expected, at the earliest, in the market in 2010. Then certified electronic products will be marked as "Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct" in English. However, analysts said, Wi-Fi Direct is likely to change the current wireless market; especially it will threat Bluetooth a lot.

Wi-Fi Direct與高速藍牙3.0都使用Wi-Fi協定轉換層或Wi-Fi強化高速傳輸,雙方也都具備雙向通訊功能,在功能上具有相當的重疊性。加上藍牙3.0也把PC和家庭聯網等領域視為未來主要應用,與Wi-Fi同樣強調可支援多媒體影像、視訊等資料傳輸,因此在應用上兩者也具有一定程度的競爭關係。WLAN晶片設計廠商也因此會以自身在WLAN技術的優勢作為基礎,強化並表達自己同樣在藍牙3.0也具備相同的特點。

Wi-Fi Direct and high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 both use Wi-Fi Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL) or enhanced high-speed Wi-Fi. They both equip two-way communication, and overlap on many functions. On top of that, Bluetooth 3.0 also considers the PC and home networking as the future main application areas. Bluetooth 3.0 and the Wi-Fi both stress their support for multimedia images, video and other data transmission. That is why these two have a certain degree of competition. WLAN chip design companies, therefore, will base the WLAN technology’s advantage to strengthen and express that themselves also have the same features in Bluetooth 3.0.

面對高速藍牙3.0(Bluetooth 3.0+High Speed),Edgar Figueroa則認為,Wi-Fi Direct直接互通傳輸已經成熟並準備就緒,可以拓展更多新的Wi-Fi應用領域,他不會對Bluetooth 3.0的發展做出任何評論。但他認為Wi-Fi Direct並不會全面取代路由器或是Access Point等媒介,因為在其他應用領域,還是需要這些Wi-Fi中介裝置。

Facing the competition of high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 (Bluetooth 3.0 + High Speed), Edgar Figueroa believes that, Wi-Fi Direct’s direct exchange and transmission have matured and are ready, the Wi-Fi Direct alliance can develop more new Wi-Fi applications. He would not comment on the development of Bluetooth 3.0. But he believes Wi-Fi Direct will not fully replace media such as the routers or Access Point. Because in other applications areas, those Wi-Fi devices are still necessary.

Edgar Figueroa並透露,Wi-Fi Direct技術只是Wi-Fi聯盟規劃未來專案的其中一項,其他還包括針對大型企業Wi-Fi網路佈建的企業版語音計畫,以及規定網路存取服務品質的WMM存取控制認證專案。目前值得注意正在研發的技術還包括802.11s網格網路、無線網路管理解決方案、顯示解決方案和建立通道直接鏈路(TDLS)等。Edgar Figueroa並樂觀預估,到2011年底前全球Wi-Fi終端裝置的出貨量將超過10億台。

Edgar Figueroa also revealed that, Wi-Fi Direct technology is only one of the future projects that Wi-Fi Alliance is planning. There are also projects such as large enterprises’ Wi-Fi network construction for enterprise edition voice plan, and WMM access certification project that specifies Internet access quality. The developing technologies that are noteworthy include 802.11s mesh network, wireless network management solutions, display solutions and the establishment of a “Tunneled Direct Link Setup” (TDLS) and so on. Edgar Figueroa optimistically estimates, before the end of 2011 Wi-Fi end devices worldwide shipments will surpass more than 1 billion units.

《圖三  When using Bluetooth solutions, users only need to know whether their products support the Bluetooth function. They can avoid the trouble installing IP port and the driver. 》
《圖三  When using Bluetooth solutions, users only need to know whether their products support the Bluetooth function. They can avoid the trouble installing IP port and the driver.

Bluetooth 3.0 is the best! Bluetooth fights back against Wi-Fi Direct.

針對Wi-Fi聯盟所發表的Wi-Fi Direct相關技術細節,藍牙技術聯盟(Bluetooth SIG)執行總監Michael Foley也表示了看法。Michael Foley表示,Wi-Fi聯盟關於Wi-Fi Direct的公告,已讓整個無線產業感到困惑。

Toward Wi-Fi alliance’s Wi-Fi Direct released technical details; the Bluetooth SIG Executive Director Michael Foley also expressed his views. Michael Foley said, Wi-Fi alliance’s announcement on Wi-Fi Direct has confused the entire wireless industry.


He pointed out that not long ago, Wi-Fi is considered the best technology for wireless local area networks, and Bluetooth wireless technology is the most suitable technology for wireless personal area network. However, since the 802.11 and Bluetooth radio both appear in the same device; it has generated a problem on how to utilize 802.11 radio to improve the PAN application. However, the answer is Bluetooth specification v3.0 + HS. The specification defines how to integrate the 802.11 radio and Bluetooth radio. Both radio’s integrated use have resulted in a complete, high-performance systems capable of enabling PAN application’s each technology to reached the best performance.


Foley stressed that the Bluetooth specification v3.0 + HS does not use Wi-Fi. It uses the RF specification 802.11 issued by IEEE. Bluetooth current feature can provide effective and reasonable complete solutions for the users. There are already more than 3 billions units of Bluetooth products, and customers are very familiar with this technology.

Foley 指出,Wi-Fi Direct的直接連接技術,其實就是將兩項設備連到網路。例如將個人電腦和印表機連接使用乙太網的交換器來列印圖片,如此這兩項設備就可進行網路連接,以及假設已有IP基礎建設架構(如DHCP、DNS等),或它們以相同方法自動搜索IP,就能夠透過IP進行溝通,但用戶仍需為印表機安裝IP連接埠和驅動程式。

Foley pointed out, Wi-Fi Direct’s direct connection technology, in fact, connects the two devices to a network. For example, a personal computer and a printer are connected to an Ethernet switch to print pictures, so that these two devices can be connected to the network. Another method is to assume that IP infrastructure architecture (such as DHCP, DNS, etc.) already exists, or the two devices automatically search for IP in the same way, and then they are able to communicate via IP, but users still need to install IP, printer ports and drivers for the sake of the printer.

他強調,這種做法在家用環境中不是個大問題,因為用戶有印表機的驅動程式且安裝連接埠也不會過於繁複。但在大多數情況下,用戶家中都會有無線基地台,而用戶也會將印表機連接到家裏的所有電腦,因此在家用環境下,用戶很可能選用無線基地台,而不是Wi-Fi Direct。而在行動環境下,很可能無法獲得驅動程式。即使擁有驅動程式,為了一次的列印方便而安裝驅動程式,對用戶來說也實在過於繁複。

He stressed that this practice in a home environment is not a big problem because users have a printer driver and install the port will not be too complicated. However, in most cases, the user will have a home wireless base stations, and users will also connect the printer to all computers at home, so in a home environment, users are likely to use the wireless base stations, rather than Wi-Fi Direct. And in a mobile environment, a driver may not be available. Even if the driver is available, in order to print conveniently once, a user must install a driver; this is too complicated for the user.


Instead, Bluetooth technology’s two devices interconnect via standardized definitions. For the example above, you simply right click on the picture to be printed, and select "print" or "send to", then the device immediately search for the printer, and there are no additional drivers or software to be installed, you can already print a picture.

Foley 認為,搜索IP服務有多種解決方案,而任何一種方案都可用於簡化上述以IP為基礎的列印操作。然而,存在多種搜索IP服務的解決方案,卻會令用戶的操作過於複雜,且眾多設備的製造產商,很可能並不使用同一種解決方案,用戶也必需要了解其產品所用的方案,並購買相容的設備。因此,Wi-Fi Direct規格將不會為用戶帶來太大幫助,反而令用戶不得不深入了解,他們的產品究竟是使用UPnP、Bonjour、 DLNA、SLP還是其他技術。反觀藍牙解決方案,用戶只需了解他們的產品是否支援藍牙功能。

Foley believes that there are a variety of search solutions to search for IP services, and each kind of solutions can be used to simplify the IP-based printing operation. However, since there are a variety of solutions to search for IP services, they complicate user's operation too much. Besides, various manufacturers of many devices may not use the same solution, and users must understand each product’s solution, and purchase compatible equipments. Therefore, Wi-Fi Direct specification will not be much of a help for the users; rather, users have to dig into the know-how that whether their products use UPnP, Bonjour, DLNA, SLP, or other technologies. In contrast, for a Bluetooth solution, users only need to know whether their products support the Bluetooth function or not.

Because of the competition of Wi-Fi Direct and the Bluetooth 3.0, USBs suffer

以目前的訊息來看,Wi-Fi Direct技術可讓PC、NB、數位相機和手機等電子終端裝置,不必透過目前必須的無線網路平台才能進行連線的方式,藉由Wi-Fi Direct技術可自動掃描附近的無線網路區域、以及所有具備Wi-Fi功能的終端裝置,將裝置之間的連結距離擴大至100公尺,直接透過Wi-Fi便可點對點相互連結,並支援標準的資料傳輸速率。同時針對企業應用需求,Wi-Fi Direct技術也新增幾項安全功能,例如WPA2資料加密及管理選擇,來強化企業Wi-Fi網路應用的安全性。

Based on the current information, Wi-Fi Direct technology allows PC, NB, digital cameras, mobile phones and other electronic terminal devices to not have to go through the wireless network platform be connected. Wi-Fi Direct technology can automatically scan the nearby area wireless network, and all terminal devices that have Wi-Fi functions. Wi-Fi Direct technology can expand the connection distance to 100 meters. You can connect peer-to-peer directly through the Wi-Fi. Also, Wi-Fi supports standard data transmission speed. Toward the demand for enterprise applications, Wi-Fi Direct technology has added several security features such as WPA2 data encryption and management options to strengthen the enterprise Wi-Fi network security applications.

以往具備Wi-Fi無線區域網路傳輸功能的終端裝置,必須藉由路由器或是WLAN熱點的方式,才能夠相互連結,也無法直接相連組成隨機(ad-hoc)網路模式。而Wi-Fi Direct技術的創新之處便在於,Wi-Fi Direct裝置相互連結的距離,幾乎可涵蓋所有使用無線寬頻的Wi-Fi裝置,其能讓具有Wi-Fi功能的裝置,如電話、相機、印表機、電腦、鍵盤和耳機等等,單獨或多個同時連結其他Wi-Fi裝置,確保所有藉由Wi-Fi Direct認證的終端裝置都可以快速直接相互連結,路由器裝置可能因此功成身退。

In the past, the terminal devices in a Wi-Fi wireless local area network have to go through routers or WLAN hotspot to be interconnected, but they still cannot be directly connected to compose an ad-hoc network. The Wi-Fi Direct technology’s innovation is that Wi-Fi Direct devices’ interconnecting distance covers almost all Wi-Fi devices in the wireless broadband. That feature enables Wi-Fi devices, such as telephones, cameras, printers, computers, keyboards and headsets, etc., (whether they are single-linking or interlinking to other Wi-Fi devices), to be quickly and directly linked with each other via Wi-Fi Direct Certified terminal devices. Therefore, the routers device may retire completely.

Wi-Fi Direct的技術革新,將可讓Wi-Fi在短距無線高速傳輸技術的競爭優勢上更具威脅性。因此業界人士普遍認為,Wi-Fi Direct技術的出現,將會嚴重威脅高速藍牙3.0(Bluetooth 3.0+High Speed)和USB介面,因為Wi-Fi在傳輸高容量或是多媒體的視訊資料上的速率並不差,Wi-Fi Direct技術的提升效果可能比藍牙3.0更快速方便,而藍牙3.0的效果究竟如何,還需要市場進一步檢驗,但Wi-Fi應用卻已為一般消費者所熟悉,Wi-Fi Direct技術在應用層面上似乎仍具有先天優勢。

Wi-Fi Direct technology’s innovation will enable Wi-Fi’s competitive advantage to be become more threatening to its competitors in short-range wireless high-speed transmission technology area. Therefore, the industry generally believes that, Wi-Fi Direct technologies will be a serious threat to high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 (Bluetooth 3.0 + High Speed) and USB interface because Wi-Fi is not bad in high-capacity transmission or multimedia data of video transmission. Wi-Fi Direct technologies’ enhancement outcome may be faster and more convenient than Bluetooth 3.0, convenient. However, Bluetooth 3.0’s effectiveness needs to be further tested in the market, but Wi-Fi applications are already familiar to the average consumers. From this aspect, Wi-Fi Direct technology in the application level seems to have inherent advantages.

況且當前Wi-Fi晶片價格低廉,Wi-Fi Direct很有希望迅速地被應用在無線鍵盤和滑鼠領域,這也可能逐漸降低USB介面的使用頻率。再加上使用者無須再購買新的硬體設備,只要藉由軟體升級方式即可達到Wi-Fi Direct的效果,此一方便親近性又增加了Wi-Fi Direct技術應用的優勢。

Moreover, the current Wi-Fi chips are inexpensive, Wi-Fi Direct are promising to be applied rapidly in the wireless keyboards and mice area. Then it may gradually reduce the frequency of usage of USB interface. Plus that the users do not need to purchase new hardware, and only upgrade via software to achieve the Wi-Fi Direct effect. This added convenience increases Wi-Fi Direct technology advantage.


Wi-Fi Direct與高速藍牙3.0之間的競爭看來勢不可免,但雙方在技術上各有利弊。Wi-Fi Direct的傳輸距離覆蓋範圍比高速藍牙3.0來得廣,傳輸速率也比較快,軟體升級方式也具有相對優勢。不過Wi-Fi在可攜式裝置的應用安全性一直備受質疑,安全設計在使用上相對繁複,也會影響網路連結和接收與發射裝置間相容性的順暢。況且目前使用藍牙功能的終端裝置則已超過20億組,市場則預估到2011年底前全球Wi-Fi終端裝置的出貨量才會超過10億台,因此藍牙應用的普及也會有助於高速藍牙3.0的推廣深度。

The competition between Wi-Fi Direct and high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 seems unavoidable, but for the two sides, technically speaking, each has advantages and disadvantages. Wi-Fi Direct transmission distance and the coverage are more extensive than the high-speed Bluetooth 3.0’s are. The former’s transmission rate is faster, and the software upgrade method also has a comparative advantage. But Wi-Fi application’s security among portable devices has always been questioned. Wi-Fi’s security design are relatively complex to use and will affect operation smoothness of the network connection and compatibility between the launchers and receivers. Moreover, the terminal devices that currently use Bluetooth devices already reach more than 2 billions units. The market has predicted that by the end of 2011 Wi-Fi terminal devices worldwide shipments will reach more than 1 billion units. Hence, the availability of Bluetooth applications helps promote the high-speed Bluetooth 3.0 in depth.

Wi-Fi Direct與高速藍牙3.0之間最後誰能脫穎而出,還是各擁一片天,相信在今年Wi-Fi Direct相關產品上市之後,答案將可分曉。

Whether high-speed Wi-Fi Direct or Bluetooth 3.0 can stand out in the end, or each occupies a portion of the market, I believe that answer will be clear after Wi-Fi Direct products are launched this year.

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